Robert Diaz, MI: February 2006 Archives

Well, I'm set for Lent. I've eaten so much meat today, I think I might be sick of it. I think I'll keep what I'm giving up secret this year, but I will say that it will involve replacing bad habits with good habits.

For The Kids


Kit-out the Priest!

Shows short descriptions of a priest's vestments at Mass. There are certainly ways it could be more complete, but at least it only allows you to put the vestments on in the correct order.

ht: Manolo's Shoe Blog

Buy Me This


Batman, once again, proving that he is the world's most awesome comic super hero. Holy Terror, Batman!

Off To A Bad Start


I sometimes wonder if I should start trying to make this a blog worth nominating for a 'Sibley'. But, I'd have to post at least 100 times more than I do, and be three times as witty.



I was reading the Psalms from the Daily Mass readings, and a question that I had often wondered, but never bothered looking for an answer to came to mind. "What does Selah mean?" In today's reading, it comes twice:

I acknowledged my sin to thee, and I did not hide my iniquity; I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the LORD"; then thou didst forgive the guilt of my sin. [Selah] Therefore let every one who is godly offer prayer to thee; at a time of distress, in the rush of great waters, they shall not reach him. Thou art a hiding place for me, thou preservest me from trouble; thou dost encompass me with deliverance. [Selah]

I researched the word briefly on the web, and found that nobody really knows what it means. The most popular interpretation of the word seems to be "a musical pause for reflection". This caught my attention immediately. In western music, we use musical rests for dramatic effect, for rhythmic purposes, and for instruments which the composer feels are not necessary in a particular part of the piece.Yet here, in the Psalms, we have a rest specifically put in the music for personal reflection and prayer.

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This page is a archive of recent entries written by Robert Diaz, MI in February 2006.

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