

I'm a plane that was built around a gun! I'm an A-10 Warthog!

You are an A-10 Warthog. You enjoy your friends and
would do anything to protect them. When I comes
to fighting, you are straight-forward and fair
in your approach. You fly where they can see
you, and go slow enough so that they can
prepare for what's coming. But, when you do
bring it, you bring it hard. People who piss
you off wish they hadn't, your cannon can rip
most any tank to shreds within seconds. On the
other hand, you are loyal and true. People
would be hard pressed to find a better friend.

What Military Aircraft Are You?
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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Robert Diaz, MI published on December 12, 2004 12:25 AM.

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