Pope Benedict XVI

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So, now I have some time with what happened after the last post.

Basically, right after I posted it, I went to go watch the news in the lounge of the university center. I was in the computer lab that's situated in the center of the UC. I saw Cardinal Ratzinger in red and white, and I just started going "Yes! YES! WOOHHH!!!!!!" and causing a huge scene.

I ran all the way to the music building to tell my friends that Cardinal Ratzinger had been elected pope! I was so happy, and I was in a general state of euphoria for the next two days.

As for all this talk about people disliking Ratzinger as a choice, well, I just don't understand it. Don't we believe that the cardinals are guided by the Holy Spirit when they elect a pope? That means that Ratzinger was the Holy Spirit's choice. They don't like God's choice for pope? That sounds a little conceited to me. No God, you made the wrong choice this time, a huge mistake! I know better than you God!

Anyway, I'm happy. It's bizarre looking at the cover of the newspaper, and seeing BXVI there all in white when I'm used to seeing him in black and red. He looks very papal though, and I'm incredibly happy with the decision.


What has been the response of the local clergy to Benedict XVI election ??

Robert, i certainly agree with you about one's expected reaction to the Holy Spirit's choice of Pontiff. The point being, of course, that no matter who was selected (be it Cardinals Ratzinger, or perhaps, by way of example Martini or Berglioni) we shold have run down the corridors shrieking "YES, WOO-HOO!" Would that have been your reaction?

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This page contains a single entry by Robert Diaz, MI published on April 21, 2005 7:29 PM.

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